Writing Wrongs

July 14, 2004

Hey, The Wet Noodle Posse is up and running. What a surprise! We�ve been working hard to get some content loaded before RWA National this year (end of July). Not every page works, but there is content. The web design is fun and sassy. Well, I think so.

Speaking of RWA National, I am not going this year. Of course, this year a ton of agents and editors plan to attend the Golden Network reception. Not that I�m any good at the meet and greet part of this business. Since I�m not going, I can torture myself with images of how I would have been vibrant and fascinating and made a ton of contacts.

Oh, sure. Sounds like a good story.

Received the first rejection on the query letter for Cold Comfort last night (actually, an email rejection), which may account for my mood. I was completely deflated until this morning, when I realized that while this particular agency loves paranormal stories, they�re not hot on mysteries, so it�s not really the query�s fault.

Oh, sure. Sounds like a good story.

Still, I�ll consider the jury still out on the effectiveness of the query for a few more weeks. I sent out six snail mail letters on Monday. I would like to send out partials (cover letter, synopsis, ~50 pages) since it takes so long to hear back on those. The synopsis needs some tweaking. Maybe by the end of the week.

Writing Progress: Finished micro-edits on the Cold Comfort partial and took a stab at the synopsis. I also got a handle on Kit�s motivation (The Boys� Club), and inspiration for the male lead in the next YA book I want to write. (Duncan, nickname �Cake,� as in Duncan Hines (although that won�t be his last name). Get it? Okay, maybe it�s not that funny.)

What I�m reading: Ella Enchanted out loud to Andrew. He protests every night, probably because it�s a �girl� book, but when I finish a chapter, he says, �More?�

Charity Tahmaseb wrote at 9:40 a.m.
