Writing Wrongs

April 22, 2005

The Friday fortune. Drum roll, please.

You have a natural grace and consideration for others.

Well, how nice for me. Apparently what I wrote in my morning pages today wasn�t held against me. (Although that is the purpose of morning pages--none of it is held against you.) Not quite as exciting as last week�s fortune, but this one is advertisement free (better karma).

I wrote a long note to D. about the Chunks O� Time� in The Boys� Club. She suggested I might have a series of three books (Oh, lordy, just what I don�t need). I still feel all three pieces are part of a larger whole. Of course, my major problem with the book is I want it to be perfect and if it�s in my head and not on the page (or screen), it is, no?

Thing is, I like revising, so I don�t need a perfect first draft. I don�t mind cutting at all. It�s so much easier than having to revise something that absolutely needs to be in the story but isn�t cooperating. It�s like . . . gum in your hair. If it�s stuck among the split ends, all it takes is a few snips and you walk away from the deal with a nifty new bob.

If you have a gob of Bubble Yum stuck near your scalp, it�s trickier. You need to apply all manner of remedies, then wash, rinse, and repeat. And walk away smelling like peanut butter.

That�s my story, anyway, and I�m sticking to it. (Oh, ouch. Bad pun.)

Charity Tahmaseb wrote at 2:09 p.m.
