Writing Wrongs

October 12, 2006

So. Let�s hear it for automatic discrepancy judging. Because, truly, I�d be nowhere today without it. Certainly not a Golden Pen finalist. The Golden Pen sends back the electronic entry so you can read the judges� comments and revise (if you�re so inclined) before sending in the final copy for editor judging.

So, my scores were, of 99 total points: 95.5, 92, and 67.

Nice. I have a knack for opening the low scoring entry first, too. The first thing I saw was that big 67 and I wondered how the heck I made the finals.

I also received the matrix for the category I judged. One of the entries I scored very high wouldn�t have made it without the lowest score being dropped.

Let�s hear it for automatic discrepancy judging.

All three judges helped crystallize some things for me. When I entered both the Golden Pen and the Golden Rose, what I really wanted to know was what people were seeing and what they weren�t in the story. I have some nifty ideas for revisions, an extra emotional layer for the entire story.

And I�m in a good spot for that, since I�m starting the fifth edit. I don�t always take suggestions verbatim. Some people get upset with this; some don�t. In fact, I get nervous when I toss something out there for someone to consider and they do use it verbatim. I think as readers, we can pick up on the symptoms of a problem, but end up suggesting an incorrect diagnosis.

I gave some serious thought to what the 67 judge had to say. I came to the conclusion that it was a matter story structure, since she gave me an example of how it could be structured.

It�s a very popular construct. But honestly? Each time I pick up a book and read the back copy, if it resembles that construct, back on the shelf it goes.

So, 67 judge gave me a 4 of 10 on my story synopsis. On the flipside, the high-scoring judge gave me a 10 and raved about it. But I still pondered for a long, long time, since I didn�t want to totally miss the storytelling boat. It came down to if I don�t want to read it, I certainly don�t want to write it.

And that�s where I�m at. I�ll probably be a bit scarce online since we have football (in possible snow!) and puppy visits to make. Plus a revised partial I need to get into mail by Monday.

But I�m excited, which is a good place to be when you�re starting a fifth revision.

Charity Tahmaseb wrote at 1:00 p.m.
