Writing Wrongs

April 05, 2007

Every once in a while, I click through on the mostly �evergreen� articles on �Hot on Hotmail!� (Exclamation point intentional. They want you to be excited about it.) You know, Ten Tips to Lose Those Ten Holiday Pounds, How to Tell if He�s Interested or Just Another Knife-wielding Psychopath, and things like that.

I don�t know if it�s the sheer size of the enterprise, updating and linking and unlinking headlines and content, but lately, what you see is definitely not what you get. For instance:

Has Google Lost its Cool? I�ll never know because the article link goes to 6 Rules of the Roast, aka public humiliation, not tips on grilling.

Who Can Text the Fastest? I didn�t realize it was a contest. Neither did Hot on Hotmail! because the article is all about Money in Your 40s.

Guys: Five Ways to Sweet Talk Your Date Ironically, this leads to an article on drinking red wine.

Women: What Guys Love to Hear More irony. The 10 Most Expensive Bottles of Wine.

Subliminal message? Drinking a lot makes relationships so much easier. Trust us.

My all time favorite Hot on Hotmail! headline was: Britney Speaks. This, after that infamous Matt Lauer interview. I never clicked through; I knew only disappointment lay down that path.

Still, it always reminded me of that scene from Singin� in the Rain:
R.F. Simpson: Don, it'll be a sensation! "Lamont and Lockwood: they talk!"
Lina: [with a voice to peel paint] Well of *course* we talk. Don't everybody?


Charity Tahmaseb wrote at 10:34 a.m.
