Writing Wrongs

May 10, 2007

Booking Through Thursday

So, judging by last week�s answers, apparently the question I should have been asking was:

Where DON�T you read??

I don�t read in the tub. I�d honestly think this was some sort of urban legend built around those old Calgon Take me Away! commercials, but I�ve met women who claim to love soaking/reading/watching TV in the tub. I worked with someone who would NOT adjust her Monday night schedule, since that was when she ran a bubble bath and watched Ally McBeal. (Don�t worry, the TV wasn�t perched on the edge of the tub. She had a special mount/hookup in the opposite corner of the bathroom from the tub. Why I know so much about a co-worker�s bathing habits is disturbing me as well. What some people talk about �)

Uh. Whatever. I can�t read in the car. Well, obviously, not when I drive, but I get carsick when I�m a passenger and try to read. Audio books, sure. I�d be insane right now without audio books.

Make that more insane.

I even have trouble on planes. And it�s safe to say I�m not perusing War and Peace on a carousel.

Let�s hear it for audio books, iPods, and noise-reduction headphones.

Charity Tahmaseb wrote at 1:37 p.m.
