Writing Wrongs

May 15, 2007

So, my offhand comment about snacking in bed has generated � opinions, the sort that makes me feel as though I�m the original perpetrator of at least two of the seven deadly sins. Sloth. Gluttony. I�m sure there are more if I thought on it.

Eating in bed, for me, has nothing to do with the television. I don�t watch television. Okay, I did manage to watch the DVD of Music and Lyrics this weekend, but I don�t watch any shows on a regular basis. Uh, minus Naruto and Hannah Montana. I�m all over that.

Anyway, back to the topic. I remember getting a stack of Oreos and a stack of books and passing an afternoon or evening reading in bed. When I was in the Army, I had weeks when I�d drag myself home on a Friday night, crawl into bed with a bowl of ice cream (what--you've never eaten ice cream for dinner?), and didn�t crawl back out until morning.

These days, I might take a dessert into the bedroom, along with some tea. A nice treat, a good book. What better way to end the day?

Hey, we�re not total slobs. The other day, Bob was lounging and eating one of those Edy�s fruit bars. He put the stick on my nightstand. Kyra, outraged, told him: �Daddy! Don�t make Mommy�s side of the bed a crappy place!�

See? You can snack in bed. If you�re careful, it won�t be a crappy place.

Eating in bed. So popular they invented a special napkin for it.

Charity Tahmaseb wrote at 10:12 a.m.
