Writing Wrongs

July 05, 2005

Sometimes the busier you are, the more you get done. I�m not even sure I should blog this because this is such a delicious secret I want to keep it to myself. But it�s a boon for parents everywhere. But if I share, then there goes the boon, so to speak.

Okay, here it is: The Children�s Museum is nearly empty over the Fourth of July weekend. At least here in St. Paul. As my dad put it, everyone else is up at THE lake, catching THE fish, and sleeping in THE cabin.

Not us. I love the Children�s Museum, but most of the time it�s so crowded (and I�ve tried to get tricky with mid-week visits with no luck) I end up with a headache strong enough to fell a horse. Not this time. Just enough kids to make it fun.

As you can see, a good time was had by all.

On top of that, we cleaned the house, or part of it anyway (hey, this is a major accomplishment for us). And I wrote. My goal was to write 4,000 words over the four-day weekend. More importantly, I wanted to close the gap between where I cut those 7,000 words and that pivotal scene between Kit and Captain Riley (Mark). And. I. Did. It.

I wrote 3,200 words, but because I wanted this pivotal scene to fall at the fifty page mark or so, shorter is actually better. I came pretty close too. The climax of that scene falls on page 51. So now, I�m the proud owner of a partial. Sure, it isn�t a perfect partial, but I have a synopsis and the first three chapters. I feel like I�m on steady ground. At last.

The only thing I can guarantee is most of those 3,200 words are in English. Some of the sentences might actually make sense. But otherwise . . . well, at least I have words.

Charity Tahmaseb wrote at 11:44 a.m.
