Writing Wrongs

June 15, 2006

Stolen from Marianne.

Then things I love but didn�t have ten years ago. Okay, casting my mind back to 1996 (yikes), let�s see what we have, other than the biggies, of course, such as The Negotiator (Andrew) and The Marvelous Miss B. (Kyra).

1. My iPod. I love my iPod.

2. My Mobile Pro. Ditto on the love thing going on here. I�ve used it to write parts of three (and counting) books so far.

3. Cable modems and wireless internet.

4. Five (and counting) completed manuscripts. One every two years? I guess that�s a pretty good average, considering the fulltime job, two kids, and all the rest.

5. Online writing friends. I�m not really sure I�d ever get involved with a �real life� writing group. Read out loud for critique? Gak! No. Thank. You.

6. Grande, nonfat, no water chai from Starbucks. It doesn�t take much to make me happy.

7. Digital cameras.

8. Google

9. Delivery confirmation.

10. Perspective. Ask me in another ten years, and I�ll probably have more.

Charity Tahmaseb wrote at 12:49 p.m.
