Writing Wrongs

October 21, 2006

So, I�m not obsessed with my Yahoo horoscope. Really. I�m not. But today�s said:

Take your ego out of your latest project -- let other people in on the fun.

Okay, I will. Because nothing says fun like watching someone edit a manuscript:

I still have sufficient ego that I don�t want the type to be too large. You�ll just have to imagine how crappy this page was. And it was. Clearly, sometimes it�s better to simply chuck the whole thing, then draw little arrows pointing to the other side of the page:

I know I made this small as well, but you can probably see why I have problems deciphering my own handwriting at times.

My extended horoscope mentioned organization in addition to hard work. Oddly enough, during the �pink� edit (I�m working on the �blue� edit at the moment), I somehow missed inputting the changes into the soft copy of the manuscript--something I discovered after printing out the whole thing. And here I thought I was organized.

I panicked, thinking I�d edited on paper but somehow forgot to do the rest. This morning I discovered it was only one little chunk. I�m not sure if that means I�m more or less organized than I thought.

Oh, yeah. This was loads of fun. So much for horoscopes.

Charity Tahmaseb wrote at 10:33 a.m.
