Writing Wrongs

May 17, 2006

It�s a sad, sad thing, but I need to take better notes. I�m trying to decipher the scrawls I made on my manuscript and notepad for the revisions I�m doing. Of course, over time, my perfectly clear and concise notes take on the attributes of hieroglyphics and I�m left with no idea what I wrote or even a clue as to what I meant.

It�s taken some serious brain power, but here are a couple that I�ve managed to decode:

Finny gid tming me: BUHits

Translation: Funny guide thing here: Outfits.

This is a reference to the �guide� I�m writing for the book that�s supposed to be funny in a roll-your-eyes, over-the-top kind of way. It�s �written� by the cheerleading coach and I think she had it published at CafePress or maybe Lulu.com. (Okay, since this is a fictional character writing a fictional guide this all sounds a little crazy.)

Pan�steir Lizon

Translation: Paris Hilton.

This was a reference to cheerleading skirts and how short they are, as in �Not even Britney Spears wants to show that much leg,� but since Brit is busy diluting the gene pool with K-fed (I know way too much about pop culture), I changed the reference to Paris �that�s hot� Hilton.

Otherwise, revisions are going just swell. Except. I�m cutting when I�m meant to add. Even though I�ve added in �Finny gid tming� which takes up space due to special formatting, I haven�t actually added additional pages. Yet. I still have a bunch of ideas I developed during the workbook process that should add to the manuscript.

Now, if you�ll excuse me, I need to figure out what �notliter yovre unering" means.

Charity Tahmaseb wrote at 11:29 a.m.
